Beyond Tacos: Four Ways to Use Smith Brothers Farms Sour Cream

Smith Brothers Farms Sour Cream

Have you ever thought about using sour cream for more than just tacos? While we often add a dollop to our favorite south-of-the-border recipes, sour cream can do wonders for all kinds of foods - from adding fluffy texture, tangy flavor, or creamy richness. Here are four creative ways to use our natural sour cream that goes beyond tacos.  

Soups and Sauces

Want to thicken up your soup or sauce? Sour cream works like a charm. But be sure to swirl it in last and keep the soup or sauce hot, not boiling. Otherwise, the sour cream could separate. Mix it with tomato sauce for creaminess or incorporate it in a curry sauce to enrich the flavor. 

Dips and Dressing

You can make some of the richest dips and salad dressings with sour cream. While traditionally the Turkish dip, tzatziki, is made with yogurt, you can easily replace it with sour cream for a tangy twist. Make your own Green Goddess dressing and top salads or marinate chicken in the cool, creamy dressing.


From pancakes to biscuits to scrambled eggs, sour cream is a terrific addition to many breakfast favorites. Got a few remaining scoops left in the container? Add to pancake batter for some of the fluffiest pancakes ever. Or blend with scrambled eggs for a rich, creamy texture that’s oh-so-indulgent.


With sour cream, you can say goodbye to dry cake! Thanks to its creamy texture, adding sour cream to cakes that are often dry, such as pound cake, results in a nice, dense cake that’s moist and tender. Of course, don’t limit yourself to just cake. Whip up a sour cream pie, a silky cheesecake, or some airy mousse. It’s definitely a game-changer.

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