6 Ways to Get the Most Out of Our Home Delivery Service

Smith Brothers Farms Milk Delivery Porch Box

We share six ways you can get the most out of our home delivery service.

Meet Your Neighborhood Milkman or Milkwoman

With our service, you get to return to the days before the supermarket and enjoy the friendly, personal service of a milkman or milkwoman. However, since many of our drivers begin their shifts in the middle of the night, you might not get the chance to meet the person who magically fills up your porch box with goodies each week.

To find out who your milkman or milkwoman is, simply log into your account, hover over the person icon, and select Customer Info. (If you’re on a mobile device, tap the three horizontal lines menu, followed by My Account, and then Customer Info.) From there, you’ll see all of your delivery information, along with the name of your milkman or milkwoman. If you want to put a face to a name, click their name and you’ll be directed to our gallery of drivers. Here you can learn more about each of the milkmen and milkwomen and say hello!

Dial In Your Frequency

The foundation of our service is your standing order – those products you receive weekly or every other week. Getting your standing order dialed in is key to creating your perfect order.

  • Weekly Delivery: Great for items you use frequently, like milk and eggs.
  • Every-Other-Week Delivery: Perfect for items you use less often, like coffee or cottage cheese. If you add an item to be delivered every other week and your next delivery falls on an off week, it’ll be scheduled for the following delivery.
  • Next Delivery Only: When you need something just once, select this option and it won’t be part of your recurring orders.

Your order will continually evolve as you try and fall in love with new products. When adding new products, a pro tip is to add them weekly – that way you don’t have to add it back later and you get priority if inventory is low. 

View Nutrition Facts

Do you want to know what ingredients are in our natural eggnog? Or perhaps you’d like to know how many calories are in Alki Bakery's cinnamon rolls? (Well, on second thought…) You can view the nutrition facts and ingredients for all of our items by selecting the product and tapping either of the arrows next to the image.

Tell us What You'd Like to See in Your Porch Box                                               

In addition to our farm-fresh milk, we offer more than 200 Northwest specialty groceries. From bacon to plant-based creamers, our catalog is ever-changing with new products added monthly. While we have a small team dedicated to carefully hand-selecting each of our products, we love hearing about awesome local products that you’d like to see in your porch box. Send us your suggestions to getmilk@smithbrothersfarms.com, along with any stories you may have as to why it would be a great fit.

Keep Your Porch Box Colder With Dry Ice

As you know, our milk trucks are refrigerated to keep products cold on the way to your home, and our porch boxes are insulated to keep the heat out. But for extra peace of mind during the warmer months of the year, we offer complimentary dry ice for customers who may not be home when the milkman arrives. Our research and testing have shown that dry ice is effective in keeping the porch box cooler for several hours in warmer summer temperatures. You can add dry ice to your deliveries from May through September by sending us an email to getmillk@smithbrothersfarms.com.

Get Delivery Notifications With Our Mobile App

We launched our mobile app in 2020, and it’s the fastest, most convenient way to manage your porch box. With our mobile app, you can receive alerts when your delivery has arrived, add products to your cart with a single tap, and more! Download our mobile app for your Android or Apple device today.

3/23/2022 3:42 PM
great site,really looking forward to your service  thanks for being there susan